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Setup for Microsoft Azure
Example configuration with OpenID Connect authorization code flow.
configure a new web application in Azure with OpenID and code flow (see the provider documentation))
in this application the redirect url must be be "<url of your server>/auth_oauth/signin" and of course this URL should be reachable from Azure
create a new authentication provider in Odoo with the following parameters (see the portal documentation for more information):
Single tenant provider limits the access to user of your tenant, while Multitenants allow access for all AzureAD users, so user of foreign companies can use their AzureAD login without an guest account.
- Provider Name: Azure AD Single Tenant
- Client ID: Application (client) id
- Client Secret: Client secret
- Allowed: yes
- Provider Name: Azure AD Multitenant
- Client ID: Application (client) id
- Client Secret: Client secret
- Allowed: yes
- replace {tenant_id} in urls with your Azure tenant id
Setup for Keycloak
Example configuration with OpenID Connect authorization code flow.
In Keycloak:
- configure a new Client
- make sure Authorization Code Flow is Enabled.
- configure the client Access Type as "confidential" and take note of the client secret in the Credentials tab
- configure the redirect url to be "<url of your server>/auth_oauth/signin"
In Odoo, create a new Oauth Provider with the following parameters:
- Provider name: Keycloak (or any name you like that identify your keycloak provider)
- Auth Flow: OpenID Connect (authorization code flow)
- Client ID: the same Client ID you entered when configuring the client in Keycloak
- Client Secret: found in keycloak on the client Credentials tab
- Allowed: yes
- Body: the link text to appear on the login page, such as Login with Keycloak
- Scope: openid email
- Authentication URL: The "authorization_endpoint" URL found in the OpenID Endpoint Configuration of your Keycloak realm
- Token URL: The "token_endpoint" URL found in the OpenID Endpoint Configuration of your Keycloak realm
- JWKS URL: The "jwks_uri" URL found in the OpenID Endpoint Configuration of your Keycloak realm