import { createMaterialTopTabNavigator } from "@react-navigation/material-top-tabs"; import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; import { View, Text, StyleSheet, ScrollView, Dimensions, TouchableOpacity, TextInput, } from "react-native"; import { KeyboardAwareScrollView } from "react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view"; import SearchHeader from "../../components/search/Header"; import ProductCard from "../../components/search/ProductCard"; import ShopCard from "../../components/search/ShopCard"; import { favorite } from "../../constants/favorites"; import MasonryList from "@react-native-seoul/masonry-list"; import { search_product } from "../../services/api/controllers/product"; // import { TouchableOpacity } from "react-native-gesture-handler"; import { search_vendor } from "../../services/api/controllers/vendor"; const height = Dimensions.get("window").height; import Modal from "react-native-modal"; import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-native-fontawesome"; import { faFilter } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; import { useIsFocused, useRoute } from "@react-navigation/native"; const deviceWidth = Dimensions.get("window").width; const Tab = createMaterialTopTabNavigator(); function Products({ route }) { const { productsU, productAll } = route.params; const products = productsU?.results?.filter( (item) => item?.product?.product_type !== "variation" ); // console.log(products); const [prodLike, setprodLike] = useState([]); const [all, setall] = useState(false); const [product, setproduct] = useState(products ?? []); const scrollViewRef = useRef(null); const [item, setitem] = useState(20); const [prod, setprod] = useState([]); const [modalVisible, setModalVisible] = useState(false); const [isFilter, setisFilter] = useState(false); const [filterProd, setfilterProd] = useState([]); const [filterData, setfilterData] = useState([]); const [min, setmin] = useState(null); const [max, setmax] = useState(null); const [filtering, setfiltering] = useState(false); const [filterStart, setfilterStart] = useState(false); const [isEndReached, setEndReached] = useState(false); // const initialProd = () => { // const init = product?.slice(0, item) ?? []; // setprod(init); // }; // useEffect(() => { // initialProd(); // }, [product, item]); // const addProd = () => { // if (item <= products?.length) { // const newArrayProd = [, ...product?.slice(item, item + 10)]; // setprod(newArrayProd); // setitem(item + 10); // Update item1 for the next batch // setEndReached(false); // } // }; // const handleScroll = (event) => { // const { layoutMeasurement, contentOffset, contentSize } = event.nativeEvent; // const isAtEnd = // layoutMeasurement.height + contentOffset.y >= contentSize.height - 100; // if (isAtEnd && !isEndReached) { // setEndReached(true); // addProd(); // } // }; // const filterApply = () => { // console.log("filtering"); // const filteredProduct = products; // Assuming products is an array // let filteredProducts = [...filteredProduct]; // Create a copy of the products array // if (min !== null || max !== null) { // const minPrice = min ?? 0; // const maxPrice = max ?? Number.MAX_VALUE; // filteredProducts = filteredProducts.filter((product1) => { // const regularPrice = parseInt(product1?.product?.regular_price) || 0; // return ( // regularPrice >= parseInt(minPrice, 10) && // regularPrice <= parseInt(maxPrice, 10) // ); // }); // } // // Update state based on the filtered products // if (filteredProducts.length > 0) { // setproduct({ results: filteredProducts }); // Set filtered products (limiting to 20 items) // console.log({ results: filteredProducts }); // setisFilter(true); // setfiltering(true); // } else { // // setfiltering(true); // setproduct(products ?? []); // Set original products if no filters applied (limiting to 20 items) // setisFilter(false); // // setfiltering(false); // } // setModalVisible(false); // }; // useEffect(() => { // if (filtering) { // // console.log("Filtering Applied"); // setprod(product?.results?.slice(0, 20)); // // console.log("final prod" + prod); // setfiltering(false); // } // }, [filtering]); const initialProd = () => { const init = product?.slice(0, item) ?? []; setprod(init); }; useEffect(() => { initialProd(); }, [product, item]); const addProd = () => { if (item <= products?.length) { const newArrayProd = [, ...product?.slice(item, item + 10)]; setprod(newArrayProd); setitem(item + 10); setEndReached(false); } }; const handleScroll = (event) => { const { layoutMeasurement, contentOffset, contentSize } = event.nativeEvent; const isAtEnd = layoutMeasurement.height + contentOffset.y >= contentSize.height - 100; if (isAtEnd && !isEndReached) { setEndReached(true); addProd(); } }; const filterApply = () => { console.log("filtering"); let filteredProducts = [...products]; // Create a copy of the products array const minPrice = min === "" ? null : min; // Treat empty string as null for min const maxPrice = max === "" ? null : max; // Treat empty string as null for max if (minPrice !== null || maxPrice !== null) { filteredProducts = filteredProducts.filter((product1) => { const regularPrice = parseInt(product1?.product?.regular_price) || 0; return ( regularPrice >= parseInt(minPrice || 0, 10) && // Use 0 if minPrice is null regularPrice <= parseInt(maxPrice || Number.MAX_VALUE, 10) // Use MAX_VALUE if maxPrice is null ); }); } // Update state based on the filtered products if (filteredProducts.length > 0) { setprod(filteredProducts.slice(0, 20)); // Display filtered products (limiting to 20 items) setisFilter(true); setfiltering(true); } else { // If no filters applied or no products match the filter, revert to initial product list initialProd(); setisFilter(false); setitem(0); // Reset 'item' count to the initial value setfiltering(false); } setModalVisible(false); }; useEffect(() => { if (filtering) { setfiltering(false); } }, [filtering]); // ... other parts of your code return ( {/* setall((prev) => !prev)} /> */} {/* */} { setModalVisible(!modalVisible); }} style={{ flexDirection: "row" }} > Filter {product ? ( <> {product?.length > 0 ? ( item._id} style={styles.list} numColumns={2} showsVerticalScrollIndicator={false} renderItem={({ item, i }) => ( )} containerStyle={styles.container1} contentContainerStyle={styles.content} onEndReachedThreshold={0.1} /> ) : ( No results found )} ) : ( Search a product )} {/* */} setModalVisible(false)} swipeDirection={["right"]} swipeThreshold="100" backdropOpacity={0.2} style={{ margin: 0 }} // propagateSwipe={true} deviceWidth={deviceWidth} onRequestClose={() => { setModalVisible(!modalVisible); }} > {/* Searchingggg......... */} Search Filter Price: Min: { setmin(e); // min !== "" || min !== " " || min !== null // ? setfilterStart(false) // : setfilterStart(true); }} value={min} placeholder="" keyboardType="numeric" /> Max: { setmax(e); // max !== "" || max !== " " || max !== null // ? setfilterStart(false) // : setfilterStart(true); }} value={max} placeholder="" keyboardType="numeric" // secureTextEntry={true} /> filterApply()} style={styles.footerModalBtn} // disabled={filterStart?false:true} > Apply ); } function Vendors({ route }) { const { shops, product } = route.params; const [prodLike, setprodLike] = useState([]); const [all, setall] = useState(false); const [shop, setshop] = useState(shops ?? []); const scrollViewRef = useRef(null); const [item, setitem] = useState(20); const [isEndReached, setEndReached] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { setshop(shop?.splice(1, item) ?? []); console.log("length " + shops?.length + " item " + item); }, []); console.log(shops); const [isModalVisible, setModalVisible] = useState(false); // console.log(product+"here is the prodductttsss----------------------------------------------------------------"); useEffect(() => { if (item <= shops?.length) { setshop([,, item + 10)]); } }, [item]); const handleScroll = (event) => { const { layoutMeasurement, contentOffset, contentSize } = event.nativeEvent; const isAtEnd = layoutMeasurement.height + contentOffset.y >= contentSize.height - 200; if (isAtEnd) { // You've reached the end of the ScrollView setEndReached(true); console.log("end here" + item); if (item <= shops?.length) { setitem(item + 10); } // setEndReached(false); // console.log("item" + item); } }; return ( {shops ? ( <> {shops.length > 0 ? (} style={styles.list} numColumns={1} showsVerticalScrollIndicator={false} renderItem={({ item, i }) => ( )} containerStyle={styles.container1} contentContainerStyle={styles.content} onEndReachedThreshold={0.1} /> ) : ( No vendor found )} ) : ( Searchingggg......... )} {/* */} ); } const SearchPage = ({ product, productAll }) => { const route = useRoute(); const { cat } = route?.params?.cat ?route?.params: ""; // console.log(prodd) const [unfocus, setunfocus] = useState(false); const [loading, setloading] = useState(false); const [products, setproducts] = useState([]); const [vendors, setvendors] = useState([]); const [vendorsearch, setvendorsearch] = useState([]); const [isloaded, setisloaded] = useState(0); const isFocused = useIsFocused(); const [search, setsearch] = useState(false); // const products = favorite?.find((item) => item.type === "products")?.contents; const shops = favorite?.find((item) => item.type === "vendors")?.contents; useEffect(() => { console.log('cat '+cat) if (cat) { searchProduct(cat); } }, [cat]); const searchProduct = (search) => { setloading(true); search_vendor({ searchData: search, }) .then((result) => { // console.log(; if (result.error) { setError(result.error); setvendorsearch(["error occured"]); } else { if ( < 1 || undefined) { setvendorsearch([]); } else { setvendorsearch(; // setisloaded(isloaded + 1); // console.log("vendor" +; } // console.log("length on search vendor " +; search_product({ searchData: search, }) .then((resultProd) => { // console.log(; if (resultProd.error) { setError(resultProd.error); setproducts(["error occured"]); } else { if ( < 1 || undefined) { setproducts([]); } else { setproducts(; // console.log("prodd" +; } setisloaded(true); // console.log("length on search " +; } }) .catch((error) => { // setError(error.message); console.log(error.message); }) .finally(() => { // setprodIsLoading(false); // Set loading to false when done loading }); // setloading(false); } }) .catch((error) => { // setError(error.message); console.log(error.message); }) .finally(() => { // setprodIsLoading(false); // Set loading to false when done loading }); }; useEffect(() => { // Initialize an empty object to keep track of unique vendors const vendors1 = []; console.log(isloaded); // Iterate through the original array and add vendors to the array if (isloaded === true) { products?.results?.forEach((result) => { const vendor = result.vendor; const vendorId = vendor._id; // Check if the vendor is not already in the vendors array if (vendorsearch !== []) { if ( !vendors1?.some((v) => v._id === vendorId) && !vendorsearch?.some((v) => v._id === vendorId) ) { vendors1.push(vendor); } } else { if (!vendors1?.some((v) => v._id === vendorId)) { vendors1.push(vendor); } } }); setvendors(vendors1); // console.log([...vendorsearch,[vendors]]) setvendorsearch((prevVendorSearch) => [...prevVendorSearch, ...vendors1]); setisloaded(false); setloading(false); } }, [isloaded]); return ( {/* */} {loading === true ? ( Searching......... ) : ( )} ); }; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { backgroundColor: "#ffffff", width: "100%", height: "100%", }, header: { left: 0, right: 0, }, footer: { bottom: 0, width: "100%", }, wrapper: { // justifyContent: "center", // alignItems: "center", height: "100%", width: "100%", marginBottom: 20, }, list: { width: "100%", height: "100%", justifyContent: "center", padding: 5, }, container1: { width: "100%", height: "100%", }, tabCon: { width: "100%", height: "100%", }, actions: { flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "space-between", alignItems: "center", padding: 10, }, content: { width: "100%", alignItems: "center", height: "100%", justifyContent: "center", }, Modal: { width: "100%", height: "100%", // backgroundColor: "#ffffff", flexDirection: "row", // right:0 }, rightModal: { width: "10%", height: "100%", backgroundColor: "#ffffff20", // right:0 }, leftModal: { width: "90%", height: "100%", backgroundColor: "#ffffff", right: 0, padding: 15, }, pricefilter: { width: "100%", padding: 10, marginTop: 20, justifyContent: "center", borderBottomWidth: 1, // borderRadius:5, borderColor: "#d6d6d6", // alignItems: "center", }, pricefilterWrap: { flexDirection: "row", width: "80%", padding: 10, justifyContent: "space-between", }, pricefilterInput: { flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center", }, inputFilterTextInput: { borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 5, borderColor: "#d6d6d6", backgroundColor: "#fafafa", padding: 5, width: "50%", }, inputFilterText: { paddingRight: 15, }, inputFilterTextHead: { paddingRight: 15, fontWeight: "600", }, footerModal: { position: "absolute", bottom: 10, width: "100%", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center", zIndex: 100, }, footerModalBtn: { // width: "80%", borderRadius: 50, padding: 10, paddingHorizontal: 80, justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center", backgroundColor: "#ffaa00", }, footerModalBtnTxt: { letterSpacing: 0.5, textTransform: "uppercase", color: "#fff", fontWeight: "600", fontSize: 16, }, }); export default SearchPage; // const filterApply = () => { // console.log("filtering"); // const filters = { // minPrice: min, // maxPrice: max, // }; // const filteredProduct = products?.results; // // let filteredProduct = products; // let filteredProducts = []; // // console.log(filteredProduct); // if (filters.minPrice !== null || filters.maxPrice !== null) { // const minPrice = filters.minPrice ?? 0; // const maxPrice = filters.maxPrice ?? 0; // filteredProducts = filteredProduct?.filter( // (product1) => // parseInt(product1.product.regular_price) >= parseInt(minPrice) && // parseFloat(product1.product.regular_price) <= parseInt(maxPrice) // ); // console.log("filtered" + filteredProducts); // // setfilterProd(filteredProducts); // setproduct(filterProd); // // setfilterProd(filteredProducts); // setisFilter(true); // setfiltering(true) // setModalVisible(false); // } else { // setisFilter(false); // setModalVisible(false); // } // // if (filters.category) { // // filteredProducts = filteredProducts.filter( // // (product) => product.category === filters.category // // ); // // } // // if (filters.shipping) { // // filteredProducts = filteredProducts.filter( // // (product) => // // product.shipping.toLowerCase() === filters.shipping.toLowerCase() // // ); // // } // // Add more conditions for other types of filters if needed // }; // useEffect(() => { // if (isFilter) { // console.log("filtering new") // console.log(product) // setprod(product ?? []); // // setisFilter(false) // setfiltering(false) // } else { // setproduct(products); // setfiltering(false) // } // }, [filtering]);