100 lines
3.1 KiB
100 lines
3.1 KiB
// include '../phpqrcode/qrlib.php';
// include '../config.php';
// $id = $_GET['id'];
// $sql = "SELECT
// documents.id,
// documents.number,
// type.name as doc_type,
// documents.description,
// department.name as department,
// company.name as company,
// table_of_content.document as toc_content,
// city.name as city,
// province.name as province
// FROM documents
// LEFT JOIN type on type.id = documents.type
// LEFT JOIN department on department.id = documents.department
// LEFT JOIN company on company.id = documents.company
// LEFT JOIN city on city.id = documents.city
// LEFT JOIN province on province.id = documents.province
// LEFT JOIN table_of_content ON table_of_content.doc_id = documents.id
// WHERE documents.id=$id;";
// $result = $conn->query($sql);
// $row = $result->fetch_assoc();
// $json_str = json_encode($row);
// QRcode::png("$json_str");
include '../phpqrcode/qrlib.php';
include '../config.php';
$id = $_GET['id'];
$sql = "SELECT
type.name as doc_type,
department.name as department,
company.name as company,
table_of_content.number as toc_number,
table_of_content.document as toc_content,
city.name as city,
province.name as province
FROM documents
LEFT JOIN type on type.id = documents.type
LEFT JOIN department on department.id = documents.department
LEFT JOIN company on company.id = documents.company
LEFT JOIN city on city.id = documents.city
LEFT JOIN province on province.id = documents.province
LEFT JOIN table_of_content ON table_of_content.doc_id = documents.id
WHERE documents.id=$id;";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
$rows = [];
$tableOfContents = []; // Array to hold Table of Contents entries
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$rows[$row['id']] = [
'id' => $row['id'],
'number' => $row['number'],
'doc_type' => $row['doc_type'],
'description' => $row['description'],
'department' => $row['department'],
'company' => $row['company'],
'city' => $row['city'],
'province' => $row['province']
// Store Table of Contents entries separately
$tableOfContents[$row['id']][] = [
'toc_number' => $row['toc_number'],
'toc_content' => $row['toc_content']
// Combine document details
$combinedContent = implode(", ", array_map(function ($row) {
return "ID: " . $row['id'] . ", " .
"Number: " . $row['number'] . ", " .
"Type: " . $row['doc_type'] . ", " .
"Description: " . $row['description'] . ", " .
"Department: " . $row['department'] . ", " .
"Company: " . $row['company'] . ", " .
"City: " . $row['city'] . ", " .
"Province: " . $row['province'];
}, $rows));
// Combine Table of Contents entries
foreach ($tableOfContents as $docId => $tocEntries) {
$combinedContent .= ", Table of Contents for Document ID $docId: " . implode(", ", array_map(function ($entry) {
return $entry['toc_content'] . ': ' . $entry['toc_number'];
}, $tocEntries));
$json_str = json_encode(['document_details' => $combinedContent]);