1579 lines
53 KiB
1579 lines
53 KiB
Item Name: Ekka - Ecommerce HTML Template.
Author: ashishmaraviya
Version: 3.6
Copyright 2023
Author URI: https://themeforest.net/user/ashishmaraviya
// Function To Create New Cookie
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href: 'assets/css/rtl.css',
class: 'rtl'
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rel: 'stylesheet',
href: 'assets/css/dark.css',
class: 'dark'
$(".ec-tools-sidebar .ec-change-mode").toggleClass('active');
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/*----------------------------- Site Cookie function --------------------*/
// Calling Function On Each Time Site Load | Reload
// On click method for Clear Cookie
$(".clear-cach").on("click", function (e) {
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ecDeleteCookie("themeColorCookie", "");
ecDeleteCookie("bgImageModeCookie", "");
/*----------------------------- Site Loader & Popup --------------------*/
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/*--------------------- Search Bar On Focus -------------------------------- */
$(".ec-search-bar").focus(function() {
$(".ec-search-bar").focusout(function() {
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function start(element) {
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// Seta o elemento como animado
element.dataset.animated = "true";
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elementRight >= windowLeft
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// Percorre o array de elementos, verifica se o elemento está na tela e inicia animação
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// Passa para o proximo laço se o elemento ja estiver animado
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isElementOnScreen(els[i]) && start(els[i]);
// Atualiza a lista de elementos a serem animados
function update() {
_elements = document.querySelectorAll(
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// Retorna funcoes publicas
return {
// Initialize
var options = {
offset: 20 //percentage of window
var animation = new Animation(options);
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// echeader.classList.remove('hide');
ecprevDirection = ecdirection;
$(window).on("scroll", function() {
var distance = $('.sticky-header-next-sec').offset().top,
$window = $(window);
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// alert("2");
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$('.scroll-to ul li a.nav-scroll').bind('click', function(e) {
$('.scroll-to ul li').removeClass('active');
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// alert(target_ID);
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $("#"+target_ID).offset().top-50
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$('.dropdown').on('show.bs.dropdown', function() {
$(this).find('.dropdown-menu').first().stop(true, true).slideDown();
$('.dropdown').on('hide.bs.dropdown', function() {
$(this).find('.dropdown-menu').first().stop(true, true).slideUp();
/*----------------------------- Language and Currency Click to Active -------------------------------- */
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".header-top-lan li").click(function() {
$(".header-top-curr li").click(function() {
/*----------------------------- Toggle Search Bar --------------------- */
$(".search-btn").on("click", function() {
/*----------------------------- Sidebar js | Toggle Icon OnClick Open sidebar -----------------------------------*/
$(".ec-sidebar-toggle").on("click", function () {
$(".ec-close").on("click", function () {
$(".ec-side-cat-overlay").on("click", function () {
/*----------------------------- Product page category Toggle -------------------------------- */
$(".ec-sidebar-block .ec-sb-block-content ul li ul").addClass("ec-cat-sub-dropdown");
$(".ec-sidebar-block .ec-sidebar-block-item").on("click", function() {
var $this = $(this).closest('.ec-sb-block-content').find('.ec-cat-sub-dropdown');
/*----------------------------- Siderbar Product Slider -------------------------------- */
$('.ec-sidebar-slider-cat .ec-sb-pro-sl').slick({
rows: 4,
dots: false,
arrows: true,
infinite: true,
speed: 500,
slidesToShow: 1,
slidesToScroll: 1,
autoplay: true,
autoplaySpeed: 8000,
responsive: [
breakpoint: 992,
settings: {
rows: 4,
slidesToShow: 1,
slidesToScroll: 1,
dots: false
breakpoint: 479,
settings: {
rows: 4,
slidesToShow: 1,
slidesToScroll: 1,
dots: false
/*----------------------------- Instagram slider & Category slider & Tooltips -----------------------------------*/
$('.insta-auto, .cat-auto').infiniteslide({
direction: 'left',
speed: 50,
clone: 10
/*----------------------------- Filter Icon OnClick Open filter Sidebar on shop page -----------------------------------*/
topSpacing: 30,
bottomSpacing: 30
$(".sidebar-toggle-icon").on("click", function () {
$(".filter-cls-btn").on("click", function () {
$(".filter-sidebar-overlay").on("click", function () {
/*----------------------------- Remove product on compare and wishlish page -----------------------------------*/
$(".ec-remove-wish").on("click", function () {
var wish_product_count = $(".pro-gl-content").length;
if (wish_product_count == 0) {
$('.ec-wish-rightside, .wish-empt').html('<p class="emp-wishlist-msg">Your wishlist is empty!</p>');
$(".ec-remove-compare").on("click", function () {
var comp_product_count = $(".pro-gl-content").length;
if (comp_product_count == 0) {
$('.ec-compare-rightside').html('<p class="emp-wishlist-msg">Your Compare list is empty!</p>');
/*----------------------------- Sidekka And SideMenu -----------------------------------*/
// $("body").on("click", ".add-to-cart", function(){
// $(".ec-cart-float").fadeIn();
// var count = $(".cart-count-lable").html();
// count++;
// $(".cart-count-lable").html(count);
// // Remove Empty message
// $(".emp-cart-msg").parent().remove();
// setTimeout(function(){
// $(".ec-cart-float").fadeOut();
// }, 5000);
// // get an image url
// var img_url = $(this).parents().parents().children(".image").find(".main-image").attr("src");
// var p_name = $(this).parents().parents().parents().children(".ec-pro-content").children("h5").children("a").html();
// var p_price = $(this).parents().parents().parents().children(".ec-pro-content").children(".ec-price").children(".new-price").html();
// var p_html = '<li>'+
// '<a href="shop-left-sidebar-col-4.php" class="sidekka_pro_img"><img src="'+ img_url +'" alt="product"></a>'+
// '<div class="ec-pro-content">'+
// '<a href="shop-left-sidebar-col-4.php" class="cart_pro_title">'+ p_name +'</a>'+
// '<span class="cart-price"><span>'+ p_price +'</span> x 1</span>'+
// '<div class="qty-plus-minus"><div class="dec ec_qtybtn">-</div>'+
// '<input class="qty-input" type="text" name="ec_qtybtn" value="1">'+
// '<div class="inc ec_qtybtn">+</div></div>'+
// '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="remove">×</a>'+
// '</div>'+
// '</li>';
// $('.eccart-pro-items').append(p_html);
// });
(function() {
var $ekkaToggle = $(".ec-side-toggle"),
$ekka = $(".ec-side-cart"),
$ecMenuToggle = $(".mobile-menu-toggle");
$ekkaToggle.on("click", function(e) {
var $this = $(this),
$target = $this.attr("href");
// $("body").addClass("ec-open");
if ($this.parent().hasClass("mobile-menu-toggle")) {
$(".ec-side-cart-overlay").on("click", function(e) {
$(".ec-close").on("click", function(e) {
$("body").on("click", ".ec-pro-content .remove", function(){
// $(".ec-pro-content .remove").on("click", function () {
var cart_product_count = $(".eccart-pro-items li").length;
if (cart_product_count == 1) {
$('.eccart-pro-items').html('<li><p class="emp-cart-msg">Your cart is empty!</p></li>');
var count = $(".cart-count-lable").html();
/*----------------------------- ekka Responsive Menu -----------------------------------*/
function ResponsiveMobileekkaMenu() {
var $ekkaNav = $(".ec-menu-content, .overlay-menu"),
$ekkaNavSubMenu = $ekkaNav.find(".sub-menu");
$ekkaNavSubMenu.parent().prepend('<span class="menu-toggle"></span>');
$ekkaNav.on("click", "li a, .menu-toggle", function(e) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.attr("href") === "#" || $this.hasClass("menu-toggle")) {
if ($this.siblings("ul:visible").length) {
} else {
/*----------------------------- Main Slider ---------------------- */
var EcMainSlider = new Swiper('.ec-slider.swiper-container', {
loop: true,
speed: 2000,
effect: "slide",
autoplay: {
delay: 7000,
disableOnInteraction: false,
pagination: {
el: '.swiper-pagination',
clickable: true,
navigation: {
nextEl: '.swiper-button-next',
prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev',
/*----------------------------- Quick view Slider ------------------------------ */
slidesToShow: 1,
slidesToScroll: 1,
arrows: false,
fade: false,
asNavFor: '.qty-nav-thumb',
slidesToShow: 4,
slidesToScroll: 1,
asNavFor: '.qty-product-cover',
dots: false,
arrows: true,
focusOnSelect: true,
responsive: [
breakpoint: 479,
settings: {
slidesToScroll: 1,
slidesToShow: 2,
/*----------------------------- Product Image Zoom --------------------------------*/
/*----------------------------- Qty Plus Minus Button ------------------------------ */
var QtyPlusMinus = $(".qty-plus-minus");
QtyPlusMinus.prepend('<div class="dec ec_qtybtn">-</div>');
QtyPlusMinus.append('<div class="inc ec_qtybtn">+</div>');
$("body").on("click", ".ec_qtybtn", function(){
// $(".ec_qtybtn").on("click", function() {
var $qtybutton = $(this);
var QtyoldValue = $qtybutton.parent().find("input").val();
if ($qtybutton.text() === "+") {
var QtynewVal = parseFloat(QtyoldValue) + 1;
} else {
if (QtyoldValue > 1) {
var QtynewVal = parseFloat(QtyoldValue) - 1;
} else {
QtynewVal = 1;
/*----------------------------- Single Product Slider ---------------------------------*/
var swiper = new Swiper(".single-product-slider", {
slidesPerView: 4,
spaceBetween: 20,
speed: 1500,
loop: true,
navigation: {
nextEl: ".swiper-button-next",
prevEl: ".swiper-button-prev",
breakpoints: {
0: {
slidesPerView: 1,
478: {
slidesPerView: 1,
576: {
slidesPerView: 2,
768: {
slidesPerView: 3,
992: {
slidesPerView: 3,
1024: {
slidesPerView: 4,
1200: {
slidesPerView: 4,
/*----------------------------- Scroll Up Button --------------------- */
scrollText: '<i class="ecicon eci-arrow-up" aria-hidden="true"></i>',
easingType: "linear",
scrollSpeed: 900,
animation: "fade",
/*----------------------------- Product Countdown --------------------- */
startDate : "2021/10/01 00:00:00",
dateAndTime : "2023/01/01 00:00:00",
labelsFormat : true,
displayFormat : "DHMS"
startDate : "2021/10/01 00:00:00",
dateAndTime : "2022/12/01 00:00:00",
labelsFormat : true,
displayFormat : "DHMS"
startDate : "2021/10/01 00:00:00",
dateAndTime : "2022/11/01 00:00:00",
labelsFormat : true,
displayFormat : "DHMS"
startDate : "2021/10/01 00:00:00",
dateAndTime : "2023/03/01 00:00:00",
labelsFormat : true,
displayFormat : "DHMS"
/*----------------------------- Feature Product Slider -------------------------------- */
rows: 1,
dots: false,
arrows: true,
infinite: true,
speed: 500,
slidesToShow: 1,
slidesToScroll: 1
/*----------------------------- Offer Product Slider -------------------------------- */
rows: 1,
dots: false,
arrows: true,
infinite: true,
speed: 500,
slidesToShow: 1,
slidesToScroll: 1
/*----------------------------- Theme Color Change -------------------------------- */
$('.ec-change-color').on('click', 'li', function(){
var dataValue = $(this).attr('data-color');
if($(this).hasClass('active')) return;
if(dataValue != undefined){
$("link[href='assets/css/responsive.css']").before('<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/skin-'+dataValue+'.css" rel="stylesheet">');
// localStorage.setItem("colormode", dataValue);
return false;
/*----------------------------- Theme RTL Change -------------------------------- */
$(".ec-tools-sidebar .ec-change-rtl .ec-rtl-switch").click(function(e) {
var $link = $('<link>', {
rel: 'stylesheet',
href: 'assets/css/rtl.css',
class: 'rtl'
var rtlvalue = "ltr";
if ($(this).parent().hasClass('ec-change-rtl') && $(this).parent().hasClass('active')){
rtlvalue = "rtl";
} else if($(this).parent().hasClass('ec-change-rtl') && !$(this).parent().hasClass('active')){
rtlvalue = "ltr";
// localStorage.setItem("rtlmode", rtlvalue);
/*----------------------------- Theme Dark mode Change -------------------------------- */
$(".ec-tools-sidebar .ec-change-mode .ec-mode-switch").click(function(e) {
var $link = $('<link>', {
rel: 'stylesheet',
href: 'assets/css/dark.css',
class: 'dark'
var modevalue = "light";
if ($(this).parent().hasClass('ec-change-mode') && $(this).parent().hasClass('active')){
} else if($(this).parent().hasClass('ec-change-mode') && !$(this).parent().hasClass('active')){
modevalue = "light";
if ($(this).parent().hasClass('active')){
$("#ec-fixedbutton .ec-change-color").css("pointer-events", "none");
modevalue = "dark";
$("#ec-fixedbutton .ec-change-color").css("pointer-events", "all");
// localStorage.setItem("mode", modevalue);
/*----------------------------- Full Screen mode Change -------------------------------- */
$(".ec-tools-sidebar .ec-fullscreen-mode .ec-fullscreen-switch").click(function(e) {
if (
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// current working methods
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} else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {
/*----------------------------- Menu Active -------------------------------- */
var current_page_URL = location.href;
$( ".ec-main-menu ul li a" ).each(function() {
if ($(this).attr("href") !== "#") {
var target_URL = $(this).prop("href");
if (target_URL == current_page_URL) {
$('.ec-main-menu a').parents('li, ul').removeClass('active');
return false;
/*----------------------------- Color Hover To Image Change -------------------------------- */
var $ecproduct = $('.ec-pro-color, .ec-product-tab, .shop-pro-inner, .ec-new-product, .ec-releted-product, .ec-checkout-pro').find('.ec-opt-swatch');
function initChangeImg($opt) {
$opt.each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
ecChangeImg = $this.hasClass('ec-change-img');
$this.on('mouseenter', 'li', function() {
$this.on('click', 'li', function() {
function changeProductImg(thisObj){
var $this = thisObj;
var $load = $this.find('a');
var $proimg = $this.closest('.ec-product-inner').find('.ec-pro-image');
if (!$load.hasClass('loaded')) {
var $loaded = $this.find('a').addClass('loaded');
if (ecChangeImg) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
return false;
function hoverAddImg($this) {
var $optData = $this.find('.ec-opt-clr-img'),
$opImg = $optData.attr('data-src'),
$opImgHover = $optData.attr('data-src-hover') || false,
$optImgWrapper = $this.closest('.ec-product-inner').find('.ec-pro-image'),
$optImgMain = $optImgWrapper.find('.image img.main-image'),
$optImgMainHover = $optImgWrapper.find('.image img.hover-image');
if ($opImg.length) {
$optImgMain.attr('src', $opImg);
if ($opImg.length) {
var checkDisable = $optImgMainHover.closest('img.hover-image');
$optImgMainHover.attr('src', $opImgHover);
if (checkDisable.hasClass('disable')) {
if ($opImgHover === false) {
$(window).on('load', function() {
/*----------------------------- Size Hover To Active -------------------------------- */
$('.ec-opt-size').each(function() {
$(this).on('mouseenter', 'li', function() {
// alert("1");
$(this).on('click', 'li', function() {
// alert("2");
function onSizeChange(thisObj){
// alert("3");
var $this = thisObj;
var $old_data = $this.find('a').attr('data-old');
var $new_data = $this.find('a').attr('data-new');
var $old_price = $this.closest('.ec-pro-content').find('.old-price');
var $new_price = $this.closest('.ec-pro-content').find('.new-price');
/*----------------------------- Testimonial Slider -------------------------------- */
rows: 1,
dots: true,
arrows: false,
centerMode: true,
infinite: false,
speed: 500,
centerPadding: 0,
slidesToShow: 1,
slidesToScroll: 1
var t=$(this).find(".ec-test-img").html(),o="li:eq("+i+")";
/*----------------------------- Brand Slider -------------------------------- */
rows: 1,
dots: false,
arrows: true,
infinite: true,
speed: 500,
slidesToShow: 7,
slidesToScroll: 1,
responsive: [
breakpoint: 992,
settings: {
slidesToShow: 4,
slidesToScroll: 1,
dots: false
breakpoint: 600,
settings: {
slidesToScroll: 1,
slidesToShow: 3,
breakpoint: 360,
settings: {
slidesToScroll: 1,
slidesToShow: 2,
/*----------------------------- Footer Toggle -------------------------------- */
$("footer .footer-top .ec-footer-widget .ec-footer-links").addClass("ec-footer-dropdown");
$('.ec-footer-heading').append( "<div class='ec-heading-res'><i class='ecicon eci-angle-down'></i></div>" );
$(".ec-footer-heading .ec-heading-res").click(function() {
var $this = $(this).closest('.footer-top .col-sm-12').find('.ec-footer-dropdown');
/*----------------------------- Gallery image popup on single product page -------------------------------- */
type: 'image',
mainClass: 'mfp-with-zoom',
gallery: {
enabled: true,
zoom: {
enabled: true,
duration: 300,
easing: 'ease-in-out',
opener: function (openerElement) {
return openerElement.is('img') ? openerElement : openerElement.find('img');
/*----------------------------- List Grid View -------------------------------- */
$('.ec-gl-btn').on('click', 'button', function() {
var $this = $(this);
// for 100% width list view
function showList(e) {
var $gridCont = $('.shop-pro-inner');
var $listView = $('.pro-gl-content');
function gridList(e) {
var $gridCont = $('.shop-pro-inner');
var $gridView = $('.pro-gl-content');
$(document).on('click', '.btn-grid', gridList);
$(document).on('click', '.btn-list', showList);
// for 50% width list view
function showList50(e) {
var $gridCont = $('.shop-pro-inner');
var $listView = $('.pro-gl-content');
function gridList50(e) {
var $gridCont = $('.shop-pro-inner');
var $gridView = $('.pro-gl-content');
$(document).on('click', '.btn-grid-50', gridList50);
$(document).on('click', '.btn-list-50', showList50);
/*----------------------------- Sidebar Block Toggle -------------------------------- */
$(".ec-shop-leftside .ec-sidebar-block .ec-sb-block-content,.ec-blogs-leftside .ec-sidebar-block .ec-sb-block-content,.ec-cart-rightside .ec-sidebar-block .ec-sb-block-content,.ec-checkout-rightside .ec-sidebar-block .ec-sb-block-content").addClass("ec-sidebar-dropdown");
$('.ec-sidebar-title').append( "<div class='ec-sidebar-res'><i class='ecicon eci-angle-down'></i></div>" );
$(".ec-sidebar-title .ec-sidebar-res").click(function() {
var $this = $(this).closest('.ec-shop-leftside .ec-sidebar-block,.ec-blogs-leftside .ec-sidebar-block,.ec-cart-rightside .ec-sidebar-block,.ec-checkout-rightside .ec-sidebar-wrap').find('.ec-sidebar-dropdown');
/*----------------------------- Load More Category -------------------------------- */
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".ec-more-toggle").click(function() {
var elem = $(".ec-more-toggle #ec-more-toggle").text();
if (elem == "More Categories") {
$(".ec-more-toggle #ec-more-toggle").text("Less Categories");
} else {
$(".ec-more-toggle #ec-more-toggle").text("More Categories");
/*----------------------------- Sidebar Color Click to Active -------------------------------- */
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".ec-sidebar-block.ec-sidebar-block-clr li").click(function() {
/*----------------------------- Faq Block Toggle -------------------------------- */
$(".ec-faq-wrapper .ec-faq-block .ec-faq-content").addClass("ec-faq-dropdown");
$(".ec-faq-block .ec-faq-title ").click(function() {
var $this = $(this).closest('.ec-faq-wrapper .ec-faq-block').find('.ec-faq-dropdown');
/*----------------------------- siderbar Product Slider -------------------------------- */
$('.ec-sidebar-slider .ec-sb-pro-sl').slick({
rows: 4,
dots: false,
arrows: true,
infinite: true,
speed: 500,
slidesToShow: 1,
slidesToScroll: 1,
responsive: [
breakpoint: 992,
settings: {
rows: 2,
slidesToShow: 2,
slidesToScroll: 2,
dots: false
breakpoint: 479,
settings: {
rows: 2,
slidesToShow: 1,
slidesToScroll: 1,
dots: false
/*----------------------------- category Slider -------------------------------- */
$('.ec-category-section .ec_cat_slider').slick({
rows: 1,
dots: false,
arrows: true,
infinite: true,
speed: 500,
slidesToShow: 4,
slidesToScroll: 4,
responsive: [
breakpoint: 1200,
settings: {
slidesToShow: 3,
slidesToScroll: 3
breakpoint: 992,
settings: {
slidesToScroll: 3,
slidesToShow: 3,
breakpoint: 600,
settings: {
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slidesToShow: 2,
breakpoint: 425,
settings: {
slidesToScroll: 1,
slidesToShow: 1,
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$('.ec-catalog-multi-vendor .ec-multi-vendor-slider').slick({
rows: 1,
dots: false,
arrows: true,
infinite: true,
speed: 500,
slidesToShow: 4,
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breakpoint: 600,
settings: {
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slidesToShow: 2,
breakpoint: 425,
settings: {
slidesToScroll: 1,
slidesToShow: 1,
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slidesToScroll: 1,
arrows: false,
fade: false,
asNavFor: '.single-nav-thumb',
slidesToShow: 4,
slidesToScroll: 1,
asNavFor: '.single-product-cover',
dots: false,
arrows: true,
focusOnSelect: true
/*----------------------------- single product countdowntimer ------------------------------ */
startDate : "2021/10/01 00:00:00",
dateAndTime : "2023/01/01 00:00:00",
labelsFormat : true,
displayFormat : "DHMS"
/*----------------------------- Single Product Color and Size Click to Active -------------------------------- */
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".single-pro-content .ec-pro-variation .ec-pro-variation-content li").click(function() {
/*----------------------------- Slider Price -------------------------------- */
const slider = document.getElementById('ec-sliderPrice');
const rangeMin = parseInt(slider.dataset.min);
const rangeMax = parseInt(slider.dataset.max);
const step = parseInt(slider.dataset.step);
const filterInputs = document.querySelectorAll('input.filter__input');
noUiSlider.create(slider, {
start: [rangeMin, rangeMax],
connect: true,
step: step,
range: {
'min': rangeMin,
'max': rangeMax
// make numbers whole
format: {
to: value => value,
from: value => value
// bind inputs with noUiSlider
slider.noUiSlider.on('update', (values, handle) => {
filterInputs[handle].value = values[handle];
filterInputs.forEach((input, indexInput) => {
input.addEventListener('change', () => {
slider.noUiSlider.setHandle(indexInput, input.value);
/*----------------------------- Cart Page Qty Plus Minus Button ------------------------------ */
var CartQtyPlusMinus = $(".cart-qty-plus-minus");
CartQtyPlusMinus.append('<div class="ec_cart_qtybtn"><div class="inc ec_qtybtn">+</div><div class="dec ec_qtybtn">-</div></div>');
$(".cart-qty-plus-minus .ec_cart_qtybtn .ec_qtybtn").on("click", function() {
var $cartqtybutton = $(this);
var CartQtyoldValue = $cartqtybutton.parent().parent().find("input").val();
if ($cartqtybutton.text() === "+") {
var CartQtynewVal = parseFloat(CartQtyoldValue) + 1;
} else {
if (CartQtyoldValue > 1) {
var CartQtynewVal = parseFloat(CartQtyoldValue) - 1;
} else {
CartQtynewVal = 1;
/*----------------------------- Cart Shipping Toggle -------------------------------- */
$(".ec-sb-block-content .ec-ship-title").click(function() {
$('.ec-sb-block-content .ec-cart-form').slideToggle('slow');
// $(document).ready(function(){
// $("button.add-to-cart").click(function() {
// //$("#addtocart_toast").addClass("show");
// // setTimeout(function(){ $("#addtocart_toast").removeClass("show") }, 3000);
// });
// $(".ec-btn-group.wishlist").click(function() {
// var isWishlist = $(this).hasClass("active");
// if(isWishlist){
// $(this).removeClass("active");
// } else {
// $(this).addClass("active");
// }
// $("#wishlist_toast").addClass("show");
// setTimeout(function(){ $("#wishlist_toast").removeClass("show") }, 3000);
// });
// });
$('.ec-pro-image').append( "<div class='ec-pro-loader'></div>" );
/*----------------------------- Apply Coupen Toggle -------------------------------- */
$(".ec-cart-coupan").click(function() {
$(".ec-checkout-coupan").click(function() {
/*----------------------------- Recent auto popup -----------------------------------*/
setInterval(function () { $(".recent-purchase").stop().slideToggle('slow'); }, 10000);
$(".recent-close").click(function () {
/*----------------------------- Whatsapp chat --------------------------------*/
$(document).ready(function () {
//click event on a tag
$('.ec-list').on("click", function () {
var number = $(this).attr("data-number");
var message = $(this).attr("data-message");
//checking for device type
if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
// redirect link for mobile WhatsApp chat awc
window.open('https://wa.me/' + number + '/?text=' + message, '-blank');
else {
// redirect link for WhatsApp chat in website
window.open('https://web.WhatsApp.com/send?phone=' + number + '&text=' + message, '-blank');
// chat widget open/close duration
$('ec-style1').launchBtn({ openDuration: 400, closeDuration: 300 });
// chat panel open/close function
$.fn.launchBtn = function (options) {
var mainBtn, panel, clicks, settings, launchPanelAnim, closePanelAnim, openPanel, boxClick;
mainBtn = $(".ec-button");
panel = $(".ec-panel");
clicks = 0;
//default settings
settings = $.extend({
openDuration: 600,
closeDuration: 200,
rotate: true
}, options);
//Open panel animation
launchPanelAnim = function () {
opacity: "toggle",
height: "toggle"
}, settings.openDuration);
//Close panel animation
closePanelAnim = function () {
opacity: "hide",
height: "hide"
}, settings.closeDuration);
//Open panel and rotate icon
openPanel = function (e) {
if (clicks === 0) {
if (settings.rotate) {
} else {
if (settings.rotate) {
return false;
//Allow clicking in panel
boxClick = function (e) {
//Main button click
mainBtn.on('click', openPanel);
//Prevent closing panel when clicking inside
//Click away closes panel when clicked in document
$(document).click(function () {
if (clicks === 1) {
clicks = 0;
/*----------------------------- User Profile Change on Upload -----------------------------------*/
$("body").on("change", ".ec-image-upload", function (e) {
var lkthislk = $(this);
if (this.files && this.files[0]) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (e) {
var ec_image_preview = lkthislk.parent().parent().children('.ec-preview').find('.ec-image-preview').attr('src', e.target.result);
/*----------------------------- bg skin ---------------------- */
(function() {
$(".bg-option-box").on("click", function (e) {
if ($(this).hasClass("in-out")) {
$(".bg-switcher").stop().animate({right: "0px"}, 100);
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$(".skin-switcher").stop().animate({right: "-163px"}, 100);
if ($(".layout-option-box").not("in-out")) {
$(".layout-switcher").stop().animate({right: "-163px"}, 100);
} else {
$(".bg-switcher").stop().animate({right: "-163px"}, 100);
return false;
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$('.back-bg-1').on('click', function(e) {
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$('.back-bg-4').on('click', function(e) {
var bgID = $(this).attr("id");
var bgClass = "body-bg-4";
function setBGImage(bgID,bgClass){
$("#bg-switcher-css").attr("href", "assets/css/backgrounds/" + bgID + ".css");
var bgIDClass = bgID +'||'+ bgClass;
/*----------------------------- Tools sidebar ---------------------- */
$(".ec-tools-sidebar-toggle").on("click", function (e) {
if ($(this).hasClass("in-out")) {
$(".ec-tools-sidebar").stop().animate({right: "0px"}, 100);
if ($(".ec-tools-sidebar-toggle").not("in-out")) {
$(".ec-tools-sidebar").stop().animate({right: "-200px"}, 100);
// $(".ec-tools-sidebar-overlay").fadeOut();
if ($(".ec-tools-sidebar-toggle").not("in-out")) {
$(".ec-tools-sidebar").stop().animate({right: "0"}, 100);
} else {
$(".ec-tools-sidebar").stop().animate({right: "-200px"}, 100);
return false;
$(".ec-tools-sidebar-overlay").on("click", function (e) {
$(".ec-tools-sidebar").stop().animate({right: "-200px"}, 100);