@ -7,12 +7,18 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
.then(function (response) {
responseData = response.data;
// console.log(responseData);
const completedOrdersCount = countCompletedOrders(responseData);
const toPayOrdersCount = countToPayOrders(responseData);
const toShipOrdersCount = countToShipOrders(responseData);
const returnedOrdersCount = countReturnedOrders(responseData);
const { cod_monthly_totals, obpay_monthly_totals, months } = countMonthlySales(responseData);
const { cod_daily_totals, obpay_daily_totals } = countDailySales(responseData);
const { cod_yearly_totals, obpay_yearly_totals, years } = countYearlySales(responseData);
initializeChart(completedOrdersCount, toPayOrdersCount, toShipOrdersCount, returnedOrdersCount);
initializeSalesChart(cod_daily_totals, obpay_daily_totals, cod_monthly_totals,
obpay_monthly_totals, months, cod_yearly_totals, obpay_yearly_totals, years
.catch(function (error) {
console.error('Error fetching data:', error);
@ -47,6 +53,207 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
return completedOrdersCount;
function countYearlySales(data) {
const now = new Date();
const years = [];
const cod_yearly_totals = Array(5).fill(0);
const obpay_yearly_totals = Array(5).fill(0);
// Initialize years array with the current year and the previous four years
for (let i = 4; i >= 0; i--) {
const year = new Date(now.getFullYear() - i, 0, 1); // January 1st of each year
data.forEach(order => {
const orderDate = new Date(order.order_date);
orderDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
// Check if payment status exists and is not null
if (order.payment && order.payment.status) {
const payment_status = order.payment.status.toLowerCase();
years.forEach((year, index) => {
if (orderDate.getFullYear() === year.getFullYear()) {
if (payment_status === "paid") {
const total_amount = parseInt(order.total_amount);
if (order.payment_method === "Cash On Delivery") {
cod_yearly_totals[4 - index] += total_amount; // Adjust index since we are going from current to past
} else if (order.payment_method === "Obananapay") {
obpay_yearly_totals[4 - index] += total_amount;
return {
years: years.map(year => year.getFullYear().toString()) // Return year labels for use in charts or displays
function countMonthlySales(data) {
const now = new Date();
const months = [];
const cod_monthly_totals = Array(12).fill(0);
const obpay_monthly_totals = Array(12).fill(0);
for (let i = 11; i >= 0; i--) {
const month = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth() - i, 1);
data.forEach(order => {
if (order.payment && order.payment.status){
const orderDate = new Date(order.order_date);
orderDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
const payment_status = order.payment.status.toLowerCase();
months.forEach((month, index) => {
if (orderDate.getFullYear() === month.getFullYear() && orderDate.getMonth() === month.getMonth()) {
if (payment_status === "paid") {
const total_amount = parseInt(order.total_amount);
if (order.payment_method === "Cash On Delivery") {
cod_monthly_totals[11 - index] += total_amount;
} else if (order.payment_method === "Obananapay") {
obpay_monthly_totals[11 - index] += total_amount;
return {
months: months.map(month => `${month.toLocaleString('default', { month: 'short' })} ${month.getFullYear()}`) // Return month labels for use in charts or displays
function countDailySales(data) {
const today = new Date();
today.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
const sevenDaysAgo = new Date();
sevenDaysAgo.setDate(today.getDate() - 6);
sevenDaysAgo.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
const sixDaysAgo = new Date();
sixDaysAgo.setDate(today.getDate() - 5);
sixDaysAgo.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
const fiveDaysAgo = new Date();
fiveDaysAgo.setDate(today.getDate() - 4);
fiveDaysAgo.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
const fourDaysAgo = new Date();
fourDaysAgo.setDate(today.getDate() - 3);
fourDaysAgo.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
const threeDaysAgo = new Date();
threeDaysAgo.setDate(today.getDate() - 2);
threeDaysAgo.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
const twoDaysAgo = new Date();
twoDaysAgo.setDate(today.getDate() - 1);
twoDaysAgo.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
//variables for total daily sales on COD
let cod_total_7 = 0;
let cod_total_6 = 0;
let cod_total_5 = 0;
let cod_total_4 = 0;
let cod_total_3 = 0;
let cod_total_2 = 0;
let cod_total_1 = 0;
//variables for total daily sales on ObananaPay
let obpay_total_7 = 0;
let obpay_total_6 = 0;
let obpay_total_5 = 0;
let obpay_total_4 = 0;
let obpay_total_3 = 0;
let obpay_total_2 = 0;
let obpay_total_1 = 0;
data.forEach(order => {
const orderDate = new Date(order.order_date);
orderDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
const payment_status = order.payment.status;
if (orderDate.getTime() === sevenDaysAgo.getTime() ) {
if(payment_status.toLowerCase() === "paid" && order.payment_method === "Cash On Delivery" ){
cod_total_7 += parseInt(order.total_amount);
// console.log("compare:" + sevenDaysAgo)
}else if (payment_status.toLowerCase() === "paid" && order.payment_method === "Obananapay") {
obpay_total_7 += parseInt(order.total_amount);
}else if (orderDate.getTime() === sixDaysAgo.getTime() ) {
if(payment_status.toLowerCase() === "paid" && order.payment_method === "Cash On Delivery" ){
cod_total_6 += parseInt(order.total_amount);
// console.log("compare:" + sevenDaysAgo)
}else if (payment_status.toLowerCase() === "paid" && order.payment_method === "Obananapay") {
obpay_total_6 += parseInt(order.total_amount);
}else if (orderDate.getTime() === fiveDaysAgo.getTime() ) {
if(payment_status.toLowerCase() === "paid" && order.payment_method === "Cash On Delivery" ){
cod_total_5 += parseInt(order.total_amount);
// console.log("compare:" + sevenDaysAgo)
}else if (payment_status.toLowerCase() === "paid" && order.payment_method === "Obananapay") {
obpay_total_5 += parseInt(order.total_amount);
}else if (orderDate.getTime() === fourDaysAgo.getTime() ) {
if(payment_status.toLowerCase() === "paid" && order.payment_method === "Cash on Delivery" ){
cod_total_4 += parseInt(order.total_amount);
// console.log("compare:" + sevenDaysAgo)
}else if (payment_status.toLowerCase() === "paid" && order.payment_method === "Obananapay") {
obpay_total_4 += parseInt(order.total_amount);
}else if (orderDate.getTime() === threeDaysAgo.getTime() ) {
if(payment_status.toLowerCase() === "paid" && order.payment_method === "Cash On Delivery" ){
cod_total_3 += parseInt(order.total_amount);
// console.log("compare:" + sevenDaysAgo)
}else if (payment_status.toLowerCase() === "paid" && order.payment_method === "Obananapay") {
obpay_total_3 += parseInt(order.total_amount);
}else if (orderDate.getTime() === twoDaysAgo.getTime() ) {
if(payment_status.toLowerCase() === "paid" && order.payment_method === "Cash On Delivery" ){
cod_total_2 += parseInt(order.total_amount);
// console.log("compare:" + sevenDaysAgo)
}else if (payment_status.toLowerCase() === "paid" && order.payment_method === "Obananapay") {
obpay_total_2 += parseInt(order.total_amount);
}else if (orderDate.getTime() === today.getTime() ) {
if(payment_status.toLowerCase() === "paid" && order.payment_method === "Cash On Delivery" ){
cod_total_1 += parseInt(order.total_amount);
// console.log("compare:" + sevenDaysAgo)
}else if (payment_status.toLowerCase() === "paid" && order.payment_method === "Obananapay") {
obpay_total_1 += parseInt(order.total_amount);
const cod_daily_totals = [cod_total_7, cod_total_6, cod_total_5, cod_total_4, cod_total_3, cod_total_2, cod_total_1,];
const obpay_daily_totals = [obpay_total_7, obpay_total_6, obpay_total_5, obpay_total_4, obpay_total_3, obpay_total_2, obpay_total_1,];
// console.log(total_7);
return { cod_daily_totals, obpay_daily_totals };
function countToPayOrders(data) {
const filteredData = getCurrentMonthData(data);
let toPayOrdersCount = 0;
@ -127,11 +334,13 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
} else {
function initializeSalesChart(cod_daily_totals, obpay_daily_totals, cod_monthly_totals, obpay_monthly_totals, months, cod_yearly_totals, obpay_yearly_totals, years) {
var acquisition = document.getElementById("salesChart");
if (acquisition !== null) {
function updateDailyLabels() {
@ -151,23 +360,23 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
// Updating labelsDaily dynamically
var labelsDaily = updateDailyLabels();
var labelsMonthly = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
var labelsYearly = ["2021", "2022", "2023", "2024", "2025"];
var labelsMonthly = months;
var labelsYearly = years;
var acqData = [
{ //daily data
first: [91, 180, 44, 75, 150, 66, 70], //COD
second: [300, 44, 177, 76, 23, 189, 12], //ObPay
first: cod_daily_totals, //COD
second: obpay_daily_totals, //ObPay
third: [44, 167, 102, 123, 183, 88, 134] //Paymongo
{ //monthly data
first: [144, 44, 110, 5, 123, 89, 12], //COD
second: [22, 123, 45, 130, 112, 54, 181], //ObPay
first: cod_monthly_totals, //COD
second: obpay_monthly_totals, //ObPay
third: [55, 44, 144, 75, 155, 166, 70] //Paymongo
{ //yearly data
first: [134, 80, 123, 65, 171, 33, 22], //COD
second: [44, 144, 77, 76, 123, 89, 112], //ObPay
third: [156, 23, 165, 88, 112, 54, 181] //Paymongo
first: cod_yearly_totals, //COD
second: obpay_yearly_totals, //ObPay
third: [156, 23, 165, 88, 112 ] //Paymongo
@ -253,8 +462,8 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
ticks: {
beginAtZero: true,
stepSize: 100,
max: 1000
stepSize: 20000,
max: 200000
@ -313,9 +522,10 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
function convertToCSV(data) {
const now = new Date();